The Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology presents the next WVUniverse talk for the month of March and will feature Catherine Regan, PhD.
WVUniverse presents "The History and Future of Mars Exploration"
Holly Legleiter |
Our more recent newsworthy research results, group members news and awards, and all current events related to the Center — you'll find it here.
GWAC research in the news.
Holly Legleiter |
The Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology presents the next WVUniverse talk for the month of March and will feature Catherine Regan, PhD.
Holly Legleiter |
Discovered in the late 1960s, the Crab Pulsar is a unique pulsar astronomers continue to study due to its curious behavior and significance.
Holly Legleiter |
WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy Professor and Center Member, Dr. Sarah Burke-Spolaor was named the Benedum Distinguished Scholar in Physical Sciences and Technologies, and will be honored at the upcoming Benedum Distinguished Scholar Showcase.
Holly Legleiter |
WVUniverse series presents "Salty Secrets about the Search for Life on Mars" featuring Kathleen Benison, PhD. Benison is a Professor of Geology at West Virginia University.
Holly Legleiter |
The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) Physics Frontiers Center (PFC) has been awarded the prestigious Bruno Rossi Prize from the American Astronomical Society (AAS), as announced at 245th annual AAS conference last week in National Harbor, MD. The NANOGrav Collaboration shares the 2025 prize with their PFC co-directors, Drs. Maura McLaughlin (West Virginia University) and Xavier Siemens (Oregon State University).
Holly Legleiter |
The Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology presents the next WVUniverse talk for the month of February.
Holly Legleiter |
Talk has been canceled.
Holly Legleiter |
The WVU Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology announces the return of their Center seminar series, WVUniverse.
Holly Legleiter |
The WVU Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology announces the return of their Center seminar series, WVUniverse.