The Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology presents the next WVUniverse talk for the month of April and will feature Catherine Regan, PhD.
April 11, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
G09 White Hall
135 Willey Street, Morgantown, WV 26506
WVUniverse presents “The History and Future of Mars Exploration” and will feature Catherine Regan, PhD, who is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in the WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Catherine is a postdoctoral researcher in planetary science. Coming from
a geophysics and plasma physics background, her research interests
include the coupling between planetary environments from the surface and
atmosphere, up to the ionosphere and magnetosphere, particularly at
Mars. Catherine is currently working on the effects of magnetic pumping
on local plasma environments in the magnetospheres of magnetized and
unmagnetized planets. She looks at these impacts at Mars with NASA's
MAVEN mission, and at Earth with NASA's MMS mission.
completed her Ph.D. at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University
College London in 2024 where she researched the impact of dust storms
on the induced magnetosphere of Mars. She used data from MAVEN in
addition to ESAs Mars Express to analyze magnetospheric boundaries and
their variations over these atmospheric events. During her Ph.D.,
Catherine was heavily involved in public engagement and science
communication, chairing a number of working groups and running her own
project, Eyes on Mars, inspired by the PanCam instrument on the upcoming
Rosalind Franklin Rover. Her outreach work has been recognized by
multiple awards.
Catherine is on the science team for the
ASPERA-3 instrument on ESAs Mars Express, and the PanCam instrument on
ESAs upcoming Mars rover, Rosalind Franklin, which is due to launch in
WVUniverse is a series of public outreach talks exploring different scientific topics with an audience of all ages in mind. These talks are open to all and conclude with a fun trivia game with a chance to win prizes. No reservations are required. All are welcome!