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Keynote Speaker Line-up:

Sarah Vigeland (University of Wisconson Milwaukee)
Caitlin Witt (Northwestern University/CIERA/Adler Planetarium)
Luke Kelley (UC Berkeley)
Cole Miller (University of Maryland College Park)
Dan D'Orazio (Niels Bohr Institute)
John Ruan (Bishop’s University)
Jessie Runnoe (Vanderbilt)
Krista Lynne Smith (Texas A&M)
Vikram Ravi (California Insitute of Technology)
Sukanta Bose (Washington State University)
Rachel Street
(Las Cumbres Observatory)
Suvi Gezari (Space Telescope Sciences Institute)
With an exciting ACP public talk on Thursday night by Jillian Bellovary!


The participant list will be updated when it is finalized! If you're looking to see if you got accepted, watch for an email in your registered email address (from application process) around mid-October.