Two WVU graduate students were recently awarded the O.Rex Ford Scholarship for Physics. Caitlin Witt and Brent Shapiro-Albert were chosen for this prestigious award based on academic excellence.
GWAC research in the news.
Isabella Gibson awarded undergraduate scholarship
Holly Legleiter |
Isabella Gibson, a sophomore physics major in Physics and Astronomy at WVU, was awarded the O. Rex Ford Scholarship for undergraduate studies.
Jacob Cardinal Tremblay wins Endowed Physics Scholarship
Holly Legleiter |
Jacob Cardinal Tremblay, an undergraduate student in Physics and Astronomy at WVU, wasrecently awardedthe 2019-2020 Ratna and Vaman Naik Endowed Physics Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to students who display excellence in academic merit.
Thiago Assumpção wins the Arthur Weldon Prize
Holly Legleiter |
Thiago Assumpçãowas recently awarded the Arthur Weldon Prize.
Graduates move on to research internships at Green Bank Observatory this summer
Holly Legleiter |
Olivia Young and Gabriella Agazie will be moving into internships at Green Bank Observatory (GBO) this summer before starting their graduate school careers.
Nihan Pol receives Postdoctoral Fellowship
Holly Legleiter |
NihanPol, a graduate student in Physics and Astronomy,was awarded the Vanderbilt Initiative in Data-Intensive Astrophysics (VIDA) prize postdoctoral fellowship in multi-messenger astrophysics at Vanderbilt University.VIDA research is focused on the burgeoning arena of astro-informatics, which confronts the challenges of Big Data analytics, often employs simulation-based methods and machine learning, and lives at the interface of astrophysics, data science, and statistics. At Vanderbilt, he will work with Dr. Stephen Taylor beginning August of 2020.