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WVU engineering professors to utilize Green Bank telescope in K-12 teacher research experience


When a group of teachers from four West Virginia counties get asked what they did on their summer vacation in fall 2017, they will have an out-of-this-world answer, thanks to a grant received by a research team from  West Virginia University.

Natalia Schmid and  Kevin Bandura, faculty members in the  Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, have been awarded a grant of $577,815 from the National Science Foundation that will allow them to team with the WVU  Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology and the Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank to create a research experience for teachers. The program, Digital Signal Processing in Radio Astronomy, will provide high school teachers with hands-on experience using high-quality, open source software development tools, in both research engineering and educational settings.  

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