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Emma Moran

REU Student

Emma Moran



Website or CV:

Emma is originally from Falls, Pennsylvania. She is working with Dr. Jason Ybarra on Analyzing the Stellar Content of Young Star Clusters and Column Density Mapping of the Rosette Molecular Cloud.

What attracted you to this REU Program?

"I was interested in all of the topics being offered here since I haven't really done any research into stellar evolution/pulsar/gravitational waves. I thought it would be interesting to dip my toes into!"

How do you plan to use your experience in the future?

"I'm very excited to go the AAS conference with the REU in the winter, and the program has offered me invaluable advice regarding grad school and beyond!"

What has surprised you most about Morgantown? 

"I didn't expect Morgantown to feel so much like the area I'm from. I shouldn't have been that surprised, really: both are Appalachian regions, but that's been a welcome surprise."

  • University of Pittsburgh