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Duncan Lorimer FRS

Eberly Distinguished Chair for Academic Excellence

Duncan Lorimer

Phone: (304) 293-4867


College or Department: Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy

Office: White Hall

Website or CV: Duncan Lorimer's Faculty Page

Duncan Lorimer is an observational astronomer specializing in single-dish radio astronomy. Known for his contributions to pulsar astrophysics, and his role in the discovery of fast radio bursts, Lorimer's main research interests involve understanding the underlying populations of both pulsars and fast radio bursts and using them as tools for Galactic astronomy and Cosmology.

White Hall
PO Box 6315
Morgantown, WV 26506

  • B.Sc.,  University of Wales, 1990
  • M.Sc.,  University of Manchester, 1991
  • Ph.D. University of Manchester, 1994